Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Great mounds of unpainted lead (and plastic, and resin)

Owing mainly to the slowness of my painting, as I mentioned in my first post, I have a ton of unpainted miniatures lying around my desk. A quick rundown, in no particular order:

  • For Flames of War, five Russian T-34/76s. When finished, these will join my FoW army as my 17th through 21st tanks, bringing me up to a full-strength battalion. Status: Assembled and primed; one of them is base coated. [Edit: I finished these on 10/26/09!]
  • Also for FoW, a whole bunch of Germans. I'm working on a panzergrenadierkompanie as my second army for that game. I've got two platoons of panzergrenadiers, some mortar halftracks, and (the big boys) a platoon of Panthers. Status: Yikes. I have barely started on these guys and thus have a ton left to do on them. I've assembled and primed one 'track and one Panther -- and everything else is basically untouched.
  • Rounding out my FoW stuff, I have a US rifle company that I'll get to someday. Status: Untouched.
  • I kind of went nuts for Uncharted Seas when it first came out and bought the starter fleets for all of the original four factions. I got the Iron Dwarves finished pretty quickly after I got them -- those are very easy minis to paint. I have since given my Imperial Human fleet to a friend. That leaves me with Dragon Lords and Orc Raiders to do. And I really want to get them done -- they're awesome miniatures -- but they can't ever seem to work their way up to the top of the pile for some reason. Status: I've done a little bit of cleaning on them, but they're mostly untouched, honestly.
  • Of all the minis games I'm familiar with, I probably like the Warmachine rules the best of the bunch. I have a Khador starter box painted, and a whole bunch of other Khador stuff (mostly 'jacks) to do. Again, this is something I'd really like to get done -- both the Khador stuff I already have and maybe a second army (probably something from the Hordes side of the street). Status: Aside from the starter box, most of the other 'jacks are assembled and primed. Like the Uncharted Seas stuff, they can't seem to work their way up to the top of the heap.
  • I'm a big fan of the "giant fightin' robot" genre, but unfortunately Battletech just doesn't do it for me as a game. This past spring, I thought I'd give Heavy Gear a try, because their stuff looks so nice on their website (and they were having a sale). I picked up a couple of boxes of minis along with the rule book. Seems like an interesting game, but I have some major reservations about it (including issues with availability, price, and scale). I may make a full-fledged post about it at some point. Status: Untouched. I want to get these done someday, but this is not a high priority at the moment.
  • I don't even know where to start talking about the Games Workshop branch(es) of the hobby. For purposes of this little list, suffice it to say that I'm neither a hater nor a fanboy. Again, I'm sure I'll have much more to say on that whole subject later. For now, I'll just mention that I have a pretty big Warhammer Fantasy Battles Lizardman army hanging over my head like the Sword of freaking Damocles. I bought them (like new) from a friend a couple of years ago for a really good price. Status: Almost entirely still on the sprue, but I've painted up a handful of Sauruses, mainly to test my colors.
  • I recently fell pretty hard for Federation Commander (having sworn off Star Fleet Battles long ago). I'd love to do a bunch of minis for this. Right now I only have a few Federation ships (the original Franz Joseph designs -- 'cause that's how I roll). Status: Assembled (easier said than done) and base coated. Given the nature of these models (and my intentions for them), that really means they're mostly finished.
  • I guess I bought into/fell for the hype. I picked up a copy of the new Space Hulk a few weeks ago. I'm simultaneously very excited and very intimidated by this one. I don't quite know how to handle it. A seriously good paint job, one on the level that the sculpts demand/deserve, is simply beyond my capabilities. Dipping is something I'm very seriously considering, but it's going to take a while to build up the nerve to actually try it.
And ... that's about it. Compiling this has been reasonably depressing, as I'd say I don't have enough natural lifespan left to finish the stuff I've got waiting on me. I really, really, really need to bear down and start making some progress on these guys.

Anyway, I have so many minis in hand, that there's no way I could be considering getting into yet another big project, right? No chance of dropping another big chunk of cash on yet another big pile of unpainted plastic to sit on my desk and taunt me for months, right? I mean, right?

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